Wednesday 21 September 2011

Privacy vs Public Interest: The Public’s Right to Know and the Individual’s Right to Privacy

How do journalists determine what is privacy and what is public interest?
Should public figures like celebrities and politicians sacrifice their right to privacy for the sake of public interest?
 It is the job of journalists to I inform the public and make sure people know what is going on in the world around them and this includes information that is in the public interest. So deciding what should remain private and what is in the public interest is one of the biggest ethical issues that challenges modern journalists.  
The Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) explain that “respect for the truth and the public’s right to information are fundamental principles of journalism,” (MEAA Code of Ethics).
 So what is public interest then and how can we define it?
"Whenever a matter is such as to affect people at large, so that they may be legitimately interested in, or concerned at, what is going on, or what may happen to them or others, then it is a matter of public interest,” (Hanson, 2011).
Let’s look at public interest compared with what the public is interested in.

Kim Kardashian is one celebrity that the public is interested in, we want to know what she is doing, what she is wearing and what is happening in her private life, but this does not have a direct effect on our lives so it is not in the public interest. However, interest rates for example do effect our lives and us personally so information on interest rates is in the public interest but the public generally aren’t interested in them.  
We want to read about the private lives of celebrities and politicians and not about interest rates and this is where it becomes hard for journalists to decide what they publish in the private verse public interest debate.  
A recent example of this comes from the David Campbell gay sex club incident that saw the former transport minister resign as a result of the exposure of his private life. This is a very controversial incident that questions whether this is an invasion of privacy by the media or whether the public had a right to know due to public interest.
In May, 2010 Channel Seven put to air a story which included footage of then Transport Minister, David Campbell leaving a gay club and earlier this year, ACMA declared Seven’s news story to be in the ‘public interest’. (ACMA, 2011)
As a politician Campbell chose to project an image of himself as a family man, he misrepresented himself and lied to the public so he could be lying about anything. His secret gay life was as Peter Meakin said “at odds with his persona”.
The question that remains here is whether David Campbell’s personal and private life affects his ability to do his job correctly. If the private life of the then transport minister was to affect the way he made decisions as a politician representing the public then I think it’s fair to argue that Mr Campbell’s private life is in the public interest.
Some people would class the exposure of David Campbell as an invasion of privacy and “Privacy and alleged invasions of privacy by the media are central issues in the ethics of journalism,” (Belsey, 1992).
If you were a journalist and you had to tell the public everything about your private life because they simply wanted to know would you be ok with that?
It seems that the public are concerned about their own personal privacy and on the other hand there is a desire to know the private and personal details of the lives of public figures. It seems hypocritical to want to maintain your own privacy but intrude on others who’s private lives you find interesting.
Journalists, looking to the future need to be very careful intruding into the private lives of others and be very specific when selecting what to publish in regards to privacy and public interest.
Perhaps the two are mutually exclusive?
Is it possible to respect the right to privacy and also provide the public with information at the same time?
The David Campbell example shows that the two are mutually exclusive, if his privacy was withheld then the information surrounding his resignation would have been withheld from the public.
But when it comes to the media each journalist has to make their own choices on what they publish and how they determine what is private and what is in the public interest. 
 If disclosing the personal information of someone is not in the public interest then we shouldn’t publish it at all
“While public figures necessarily subject themselves to scrutiny by virtue of their position in society, they do not forfeit their right to privacy altogether,” (ACMA, 2005, p.3).
 ACMA explains it well by explaining that there needs to be a balance between right to privacy and the media’s role of informing the public.
“Broadcasters should not use material relating to a person’s private affairs without that person’s consent, unless there is an identifiable public interest reason for the material to be broadcast” (ACMA, 2005, p.2).

Australian Communication and Media Authority (2011), ‘Seven breaches Minister’s privacy but broadcast in the public interest’, Retrieved September 21, 2011, from  
Belsey, A (1992), ‘Privacy, Publicity and Politics’, in Belsey, A & Chadwick, R, Ethical Issues in Journalism and the Media, Routledge, pp 77-91.
Hanson, N. (2011). Children to the fore as judges gag the world. April 27, 2011.  Retrieved September 21, 2011 from
Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance. (2011). Media Alliance Code of Ethics. Retrieved September 21, 2011 from

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Freedom of the Press: Hacked to death or the end of the news as we know it?

In 2005, then Prime Minister John Howard said “The best safeguards we have for our democracy are a robust parliamentary process, a free press, and an incorruptible judiciary. If you’ve got those three things, you’ve got a free country. If you don’t have all of those three things you don’t have a fully free country,” (Nash, 2005).
In 1888 Abraham Linchlon wrote “Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people” (, 2011).
So when it comes to journalism and the media, what is freedom of the press?
“Freedom of the press involves the right to publish newspapers, magazines, and other printed or published matter without government restriction and subject only to laws of states and nations” (United Nations, 2010).
Why is freedom of the press important?
The media is often referred to as the fourth estate, this is because journalists have the power to uncover and publish the truth. The media acts as an almost regulatory body over governments and other powerful institutions in the attempt to let the people/public know the truth.
However, I think it’s fair to question whether the press really is ‘free’?
“Freedom of the press has always meant freedom from government control and censorship, but now the communications industry itself is the major censor, with control of access to the media resting in a very few hands,” (Barron, 1973).
Journalists and publications actually can’t publish anything they want due to privacy and defamation acts and also majority of the media we as the audience interact with is owned by a very concentrated ownership group, so it seems impossible to have a completely free press when there are endless restrictions that stop this from happening.  
Here are just some of the problems that limit freedom of the press:
·         Privacy
·         Media Convergence and Ownership Concentration
·         Political Pressures
·         Laws and Restrictions
But should journalists be allowed to have total freedom? Is there a point where too much freedom is harmful?
The recent break of the News of The World phone hacking scandal has shown where the line between freedom of the press compared to an intrusion of privacy has been crossed. A journalist hacking into phones and personal information without permission is deemed as unethical practice.
Is there ever a point where hacking phones and personal information is classed as being acceptable practice if it is in the public interest?
This is where the privacy verse public interest debate comes into it and coming to a conclusion seems near impossible.
In the digital age, what classifies as privacy and private information is certainly being challenged as satellite TV, internet based blogs, newspapers and social networking sites are more and more being seen as a source of openness and a source of private information made public.  
If twitter and facebook users are allowed to publish information freely, why can’t journalists? We allow bloggers to be labeled journalists or citizen journalists, but they aren’t expected to conduct themselves with the same ethical manners?
Thomas Jefferson said "When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property." (, 2011).
Is this the point at which journalists are permitted to publish so called private information?
With the increasing focus on the ethics of journalists and the impact of scandals like the phone hacking at NOTW, journalists now have a responsibility to conduct themselves ethically and regain the trust from the public.
Laurie Oaks explains that there are a large number of stories that have broken in the last 12 months, so there isn’t a need to get stories in an unethical manner. The main question here is why do we need to hack phones when there are great stories on our door step?
Malcolm Turnbull put it correctly when he said “We have moved away from a news cycle to a more opinion cycle” (Creagh, 2011).
Finally, ask yourself this, does the audience want to see sensationalism or objectivity?

Barron, J. (1973) Freedom of the press for whom? Indiana University Press: Bloomington.
Creagh, S. (2011). A free society doesn't license newspapers: Turnbull. Retrieved September 15, 2011 from
Nash, C. (2005). Freedom of the Press in the New Australian Security State. NSW Law Journal 28(5).
Unknown. (2010). Freedom of Expression, Human Rights Education Associates. Retrieved September 15, 2011 from (2011). Abraham Lincoln. Retrieved September 15, 2011 from

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Wikileaks: Is transparency the new objectivity?

Wikileaks believes “Publishing improves transparency, and this transparency creates a better society for all people. Better scrutiny leads to reduced corruption and stronger democracies in all society’s institutions, including government, corporations and other organisations. A healthy, vibrant and inquisitive journalistic media plays a vital role in achieving these goals. We are part of that media.” (Wikileaks, 2011).

So the organisation basically believe that everyone has a right to freedom of opinion and expression and they also suggest that everyone has the right to seek information through any media regardless of frontiers in order to develop such opinions.
As we all know, Wikileaks is famous for exposing confidential information that is extremely controversial in regards to security measures, other organisations, governments and even nations.

Would it be right for journalists to report the information that Wikileaks is literally leaking?

Does Wikileaks adhere to journalistic standards?

 And, is objectivity more important than freedom of information?  

Wikileaks argues that they are using transparency to enable the public to information they aren’t meant to know. The organisation explains that are simply doing the job that journalists won’t. “In the years leading up to the founding of wikileaks we observed the worlds media becoming far less likely to ask the hard questions of governments and other institutions” (Wikileaks, 2011).

Journalists need to use some level of objectivity when it comes to information that is crucial to the security of a country and its people, so if journalists were to report with total transparency what would this reflect in terms of ethical practice?

That’s not to say that journalists don’t report with transparency at all and they don’t even report with complete objectivity. This makes it hard to compare whether transparency or objectivity is more beneficial in journalism because I am more likely to ask the question:

 Does a level of complete objectivity or complete transparency exist at all?

Why Transparency?

David Weinberger (2009) states “the problem with objectivity is that it tries to show what the world looks like from no particular point of view, which is like wondering what something looks like in the dark.” (Silverman, 2009).

So in this case transparency supersedes objectivity as it gives the reader the information that enables them to differentiate between biases.

We can not eliminate all secrets or live in a world where privacy and confidentiality no longer exist. With this in mind it would seem that transparency should be more prevalent in journalism as we move into the digital era where secrets are near impossible.

Information in the digital age reflects a level of openness where transparency plays a vital role.

Hamsher (2009) believes that “Our elite media has been sloppy, lazy and corrupt for so long they have apparently forgotten what the purpose of the fourth estate actually is” (Hamsher, 2009).

In regards to transparency, Wikileaks have been able to stay separate from the media but use them to disseminate mass information and as such Wikileaks can do the job that journlaists don’t by acting as a watchdog over governments and other powerful institutions.

Wikileaks material is checked and verified prior to being published so they are adhering to journalistic standards when checking their facts, so perhaps transparency could be more beneficial to journalists and the public if we maintain journalistic standards whilst utilising transparency.

A great question posed in response to the backlash against Wikileaks asks “Why is the hostility mostly directed at Assange, the publisher, and not at our government’s failure to protect classified information?” (Clipston, 2010).

Are our governments simply scared of transparency, or does the public really not want to know such important information?

Why Objectivity?

Journalists have a high responsibility when it comes to reporting in this digital age where information spreads like wild fire and it could be fair to argue that total transparency is not a way of practicing good journalism.  

Since the inception of Wikileaks the U.S people have had a better insight of what goes on in government, but is this a good thing?  

Nick Minchin disagrees. He argues that keeping information confidential in regards to government is how they maintain a diplomatic country and diplomacy is how countries avoid war, so exposing this information can cause harm to peace within the entire world. “For nations to remain at peace requires artful diplomacy. If ambassadors and foreign embassy officials can’t honestly report back to their governments on what is happening on the ground in those countries, which they now can’t do because of the fear that the things they write will be exposed in the public arena, I think that will set back the course for diplomacy and I think that is bad for world peace” (Barwick, 2011).
Perhaps it’s a question of privacy and public interest? Is freedom of information or safety more important in the public interest?

Wikileaks states that the organisation “has provided a new model of journalism. Because we are not motivated by making a profit, we work cooperatively with other publishing and media organisations around the globe, instead of following the traditional model of competing with other media.” (Wikileaks, 2011).

Are journalists filling the role of objectivity by reporting on the information presented by Wikileaks?

Do we simply rely on the media to assess the information and provide the public with the objective view of the information?

Wikileaks is seen as being transparent, however they continue to be objective when deciding what information to publish, when to publish it and by whom it is published. This would suggest a bias within the organisation although they argue that they do not push a political agenda.

Whether transparency or objectivity is more important when publishing information, in regards to journalism I would argue it is important to allow the public to create opinions and a freedom to information provided the exposure of the information doesn’t result in harm or danger.

I think its fair to argue that as a certain compared model of journalism, Wikileaks conforms to some journalistic standards but disregard others and in the case of danger to security, objectivity would be more beneficial then total transparency.

To come to a conclusion I don’t think you can have either complete transparency or complete objectivity and journalists need to understand how to balance the two based on the information being reported.


Barwick, H. (2011). WikiLeaks, media last bastions of trust for US. Retrieved September 8, 2011 from

Clipston, T. (2010). "Lying is Not Patriotic" – Congressman Ron Paul on WikiLeaks. Retrieved September 8, 2011 from
Hamsher, J. (2009). Wikileaks: It’s Not the Media’s Job to Play CYA for the State Department. Retrieved September 8, 2011 from

Sifry, M. (2011). WikiLeaks and the Age of Transparency. Retrieved September 8, 2011 from

Silverman, H. (2009). David Weinberger: Transparency Subsumes Objectivity. Retrieved September 8, 2011 from

Wikileaks. (2011). Wikileaks. Retrieved September 8, 2011 from


Wednesday 31 August 2011

Do journalists need social media?

We all know that social media is challenging and redefining traditional journalistic standards. When it comes to facebook and twitter people are now using these sites as a way of presenting news as it is happening. With twitter having the famous 140 character limit, it means that only the essential, most important information is presented on the site immediately and the reader then has to go on to pursue the story further.
Suellen Tapsall (2006) editor of Journalism Theory in Practice explains how the aid of social networking in journalism is rarely compared to print as being on an equal level; they are usually compared against one another as being either positive or negative, and are rarely associated as mutually aiding each other. I think it’s fair to argue that social media, when used appropriately, can definitely aid journalists in sourcing stories.
According to Garbiele Levy (2010) journalists are embracing social media as a new journalistic tool and rather than being threatened by it, they are now using it on a day to day basis. “Social media, rather than heralded as the destructor of journalism and journalistic integrity, has finally begun to play a substantial role in the daily activities of journalists” (Levy 2010).
“The academics who study journalism and working journalists, almost uniformly agree that the changes occurring within the news media industry are both overwhelming and an enormous opportunity for innovation and reinvention” (Levy, 2010).
The following YouTube video highlights how journalists are now utilising social media in the news gather and disseminating process and they even suggest that Twitter is now sometimes replacing media releases and it is being used as a promotional point for journalists to link to stories on news websites.  

Online journalism is about immediacy and having a 24 hour service and social media can provide this information fast and easily. Social media is gaining acceptance as a way to source stories and other information as it now fits into the stages of news production in access/observation and distribution. Around 40% of news organisations are using social media to source stories (MEAA, 2010).
 “Twitter changed its opening question, ‘what are you doing’ to a different more immediate question ‘what is happening’? In 2009 to accommodate its growing relevance to breaking news“ (Cross, 2011 p.60). So basically day to day tweets tell us what is happening and the journalist’s role is then to conduct further research and verification to tell us what this means.
“In many cases, information initially coming to our attention via Twitter will serve simply as a tip, allowing us to check out and report the information ourselves in the regular way, quoting more solid sources” (Reuters, 2009).
Facebook provides 500 million possible sources of stories, but when it comes to sourcing stories from social media sites how much can we really trust these sources as being reliable?
When it comes to sourcing online it can be hard to distinguish between truth, rumour and outright lies, so how trustworthy are stories that break on facebook or twitter?
“The biggest issue with social media is verification” (Possetti, 2011). Check facts before publishing is not adhered to on social media sites, so credibility becomes hard to find.

Even during the recent London riots a journalist re-tweeted this photo above of an apparent escaped tiger that was actually an image of a circus tiger that escaped in Italy in 2008, so checking the facts and verifying them is essential for journalists sourcing stories from social media sites.  
The role of social media is not to be factual or truthful. After all it is SOCIAL media, it’s simply another form of conversation and we can't expect every single tweeter or blogger to adhere to ethical journalistic practice, because they don’t have to. But as journalists we do!
Social media is merely a starting point in the news gathering process and verification is imperative.
“Most blogs, iReports and social media sources should be considered potentially no more reliable than a tabloid newspaper running stories of UFO sightings” (Torres, 2011).
But one question that still remains essential to the use of social media in journalism is whether journalists could cover news in areas that are cut off from the media without social media? Do we rely on social media in times of crisis?

Levy, G.  (2010). Social Media and Journalism: How the Internet and Social Networking has Changed Journalism’s Workflow. Viewed 31 August, 2011
Press Club of Long Island. (May 1, 2009). Twitter, Facebook and Why Social Media Matters [Video file] retrieved 31 August, 2011 from
Tapsall, S & Varley, C (2006). Journalism: Theory in Practice. Oxford University Press: South Melbourne
Cross, M. (2011). Bloggerati, Twitterati: How Blogs and Twitter are Transforming Popular Culture. ABC-CLIO: California
Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance. (2010). Life in the Clickstream II: The Future of Journalism, viewed 31 August 2011,
Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance. (2008). Life in the Clickstream: The Future of Journalism, viewed 31 August 2011,
Reuters. (2011). Handbook of Journalism – Reporting From the Internet, viewed 31 August 2011,
Posetti, J 2011, ‘BBC Social Media Summit Fixates on Creating Open Media’, MediaShift, viewed August 31, 2011,
Torres, T. (2011). ‘What Role will Develop in Social Media to Replace Traditional Editors?’ Soshable, viewed August 31, 2011,

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Quality vs. Quantity

In the face paced, immediate, technology driven  media we see today is there still a need for quality journalism or have we seen the industry change that dramatically that quantity and immediacy are more important than quality in journalism.
Some people believe that with the continual decrease in newspaper’s and the rapid increase of online news, quality journalism is dying alongside newspapers. Martin Flanagan (2008) expressed his ideas on the need for quality journalism by stating “Newspapers can build community, while the net promotes individuality” (Flanagan, 2008).
Although the internet is having a massive impact on the journalism industry doesn’t mean that media organisations can’t continue to produce quality content, they just need to embrace technology and utilise cross media platforms to produce quality content to place where the larger audience now exist.
Quality and quantity cannot be mutually exclusive, but they can come one after another and that way both quantity and quality are available to fulfill the wants and needs of the audience.
But as Stilgherrian (2009) states “quality journalism, especially investigative journalism, is expensive. While one of its traditional Australian homes, public broadcasters ABC and SBS, seems safe for now, what about its other home, quality newspapers? Are newspapers doomed? If so, who pays for journalism then?” (Stilgherrian, 2009).
Rupert Murdoch made an attempt to solve the problem by suggesting pay walls; Murdoch stated “Quality journalism is not cheap. The digital revolution has opened many new and inexpensive distribution channels but it has not made content free” (Clark, 2009).
If online content isn’t free, then who is paying for it now? Advertisers of course, but journalists are too! A huge amount of journalists are now working more hours, across numerous media platforms, producing content on a crazy amount of stories each day, for no extra pay. They are doing this simply to keep up with the demand for instant news. As the demand for immediacy becomes stronger and stronger and the number of professional journalists in jobs lowers, it is becoming near impossible for journalists to find the extra time to produce quality content.
The following YouTube video highlights the power the internet has provided to the audience in sourcing news. We can get new when we want it, how we want it and we can choose the content we want specifically. So more and more news organisations are catering to immediacy by trying to be the first organisation to publish that content, instead of trying to be the organisation that publishes the most quality content. Immediacy is having a huge impact on quality and the ability for journalists to produce quality content.

What will the future hold for quality journalism? Some say the internet provides the opportunity for the rebirth of quality journalism, others argue that the internet is causing the disappearance of it. No matter what the future holds, I argue that quality journalism is important and we need it, so it is our jobs as journalists to continue to produce content that is our best quality.

Clark, A. (2009). Rupert Murdoch plans charge for all news websites by next summer. Retrieved August 24, 2011 from
Flanagan, M. (2008). Quality Journalism: the need only grows. Retrieved August 24, 2011 from
Gykvideos. (2010). Pat on the Immediacy of Modern Media: [Video file]. Video posted to
Stilgherrian. (2009). The future of “quality” journalism: lots of questions, few answers. Retrieved August 24, 2011 from

Sunday 21 August 2011

Citizen and/or Journalist?

It seems almost impossible to define the role of the citizen in journalism in the 21st century. With the mix of things like technology, social media and so-called citizen journalism, the role of the citizen in the public conversation has no limitations.
With the rise of technology in recent times we have seen citizens using such technology like mobile phones to record footage of some of the most important moments in history. Here are just some of those moments.

So is this citizen journalism? Just because someone was in the right place at the right time and they record video footage of a historical event and post it on YouTube, does that automatically make them a ‘citizen journalist’?
Define journalist?

“A journalist collects and disseminates information about current events, people, trends, and issues. His or her work is acknowledged as journalism. Journalism is the profession of reporting or photographing or editing news stories for one of the media” (Princeton University, 2011).

The traditional news media’s position as the primary provider of information is being challenged because the ease of publishing content online has increased the number of people producing content. Controversy exists because it is assumed that some citizen journalists produce content without traditional journalistic values in mind (Rosenberry & Burton, 2010 p.68). This begs the question of credibility? And also accountability? How credible are citizen journalists? Are they accountable in regards to ethical practices? And are online citizen journalists producing “quality” news?

If ‘citizen journalists’ are not utilising journalistic practice, then is it wrong to label them as journalists, when really they are simply just citizen’s getting involved in the public conversation?
This is all a result of the power of technology as Gillmor (2008) states “The Internet is the most important medium since the printing press. It subsumes all that has come before and is, in the most fundamental way, transformative. When anyone can be a writer, in the largest sense and for a global audience, many of us will be” (Gillmor, 2008 p.236).
Oh Yeon Ho creator of OhMyNews states that “Every citizen’s a reporter, Journalists aren’t some exotic species, they’re everyone who seeks to take new developments, put them into writing, and share them with others (Gillmor, 2008 p.110).”
So what is happening here?
In an emerging era of multidirectional, digital communications, the audience can be an integral part of the process—and it’s becoming clear that they must be. Gillmor (2008) explains that “it boils down to something simple: readers or viewers or listeners collectively know more than media professionals do. This is true by definition: they are many viewers or listeners, and we as journalists are often just one. We need to recognize and, in the best sense of the word, use their knowledge. If we don’t, our former audience will bolt when they realize they don’t have to settle for half-baked coverage; they can come into the kitchen themselves” (Gillmor, 2008 p.111).
It seems only obvious that more and more, journalism is going to be owned by the audience.

Is the role of the citizen in the public conversation in the 21st century become a role in which the citizen is to inform others? Or even a role in which citizens can use their technological power and combined knowledge to help journalists produce better, if not the best possible content.
How important is the use of citizen journalism to the public conversation?
Gillmor (2008) highlights the importance of citizen journalism by explaining that On December 10, 2003, thousands of Iraqis marched on the streets of Baghdad to protest bombings by insurgents. The New York Times and other major media outlets missed the march and its significance. But some local bloggers did not (Gillmor, 2008 p.136). It turned out that blogs became the best way to get the news about an important event. This example would highlight that at certain times

“Is citizen journalism – blogging, open-source newsgathering, wikis and informational “mash-ups” transforming the nature of news? Many observers believe so. Carr (2007) refers to open-source journalism as nothing short of a “revolution” in newsgathering. Lemann (2006) wonders if citizen journalists aren’t in the process of “stripping away” the possibility of professional journalism entirely. Bowman and Willis summarize the prevailing wisdom: the “profession of journalism finds itself at a rare moment in history when, for the first time, its hegemony as a gatekeeper of news is threatened by not just new technologies and competitors but, potentially, the audience it serves”” (Rosenberry & Burton, 2010 p.32).

How does this affect the public conversation in the 21st century? What impact is it having on the future of journalism? And can we actually define the role of the citizen in journalism and the public conversation in the 21st century? I’m going to go with no!

Audiencereports. (2011, June 13). A Short History of Citizen Journalism: [Video file]. Video Posted to
Fenton, N. (2009). New Media, Old News: Journalism and Democracy in the Digital Age. London :Sage.
Princeton University. (2011). WordNet. Retrieved from
Rosenberry, J. & Burton, J. (2010). Public Journalism 2.0. New York: Routledge.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Who is a Journalist?

The answer to this question is much harder and more complex then I first thought.
In the 21st century Journalism has changed and continues to change dramatically, technology has shifted and redefined the boundaries of journalism with the impact of social media and the use of media convergence.
Ray Greenslade has been quoted saying “While journalism does indeed matter, journalists don’t” however, Greenslade also said “proper journalism is worth fighting for”.
So shouldn’t journalists matter if proper journalism is worth fighting for or are good journalists simply expendable?
Some of the core skills required of a journalist today include:
·         Reseraching
·         Interviewing
·         Gathering information
·         Using appropriate language
·         Using appropriate technology
·         Crossing media platforms
·         Recognising a good story
·         Interpreting meaning
·         Disseminating information accordingly
·         Understanding the audience
·         Meeting limits and deadlines
·         Committing to accuracy, fairness and ethics
This is what a journalist does, not what their role is. So what is the role of a journalist? This is perhaps the question that should be asked.
Tom Rosenstiel told “The role of the journalist is changing in an age where the old metaphor of gate-keeping no longer applies. This is pretty obvious. More interesting is a discussion of the new roles for journalists” (, 2008).

Rosenstiel outlined four potential roles:
  • Authenticator: Help the audience figure out what to believe, what can they trust
  • Sense-maker: Help the audience derive meaning from what is happening in the world
  • Navigator: Help the audience find their way around a story, point them to the “good stuff”
  • Forum-leader: Help the audience engage in a discussion in a knowledgeable way
                                                                                               (, 2008)
“Journalists should be doing some of these things anyway, such as authenticating facts. And making sense is a key role of the journalist. A story without meaning is worthless” (, 2008).
Journalists in this modern era are also required to use cross media platforms and convergence, where a journalist needs to encompass that ability to record and edit both voice and image, create video footage and produce and upload such media aspects to online news sites, forums, social media sites etc. To read more go to
Social media and the surfacing of citizen journalism have seen those who had no power before, now influencing the news agenda. What does this say for the future of journalism?
This youtube video shows the power and potential power of citizen journalism in the media.

Who is a journalist? Are we all journalists? If so are we all credible? What does the future hold for journalism?
For this, I have no answer!

DigitalJournal. (2008, December 24). Exploring the Power of Citizen Journalism: [Video file]. Video posted to (2008). The New Roles For Journalists in a Multimedia World. Retrieved from