Thursday 11 August 2011

Who is a Journalist?

The answer to this question is much harder and more complex then I first thought.
In the 21st century Journalism has changed and continues to change dramatically, technology has shifted and redefined the boundaries of journalism with the impact of social media and the use of media convergence.
Ray Greenslade has been quoted saying “While journalism does indeed matter, journalists don’t” however, Greenslade also said “proper journalism is worth fighting for”.
So shouldn’t journalists matter if proper journalism is worth fighting for or are good journalists simply expendable?
Some of the core skills required of a journalist today include:
·         Reseraching
·         Interviewing
·         Gathering information
·         Using appropriate language
·         Using appropriate technology
·         Crossing media platforms
·         Recognising a good story
·         Interpreting meaning
·         Disseminating information accordingly
·         Understanding the audience
·         Meeting limits and deadlines
·         Committing to accuracy, fairness and ethics
This is what a journalist does, not what their role is. So what is the role of a journalist? This is perhaps the question that should be asked.
Tom Rosenstiel told “The role of the journalist is changing in an age where the old metaphor of gate-keeping no longer applies. This is pretty obvious. More interesting is a discussion of the new roles for journalists” (, 2008).

Rosenstiel outlined four potential roles:
  • Authenticator: Help the audience figure out what to believe, what can they trust
  • Sense-maker: Help the audience derive meaning from what is happening in the world
  • Navigator: Help the audience find their way around a story, point them to the “good stuff”
  • Forum-leader: Help the audience engage in a discussion in a knowledgeable way
                                                                                               (, 2008)
“Journalists should be doing some of these things anyway, such as authenticating facts. And making sense is a key role of the journalist. A story without meaning is worthless” (, 2008).
Journalists in this modern era are also required to use cross media platforms and convergence, where a journalist needs to encompass that ability to record and edit both voice and image, create video footage and produce and upload such media aspects to online news sites, forums, social media sites etc. To read more go to
Social media and the surfacing of citizen journalism have seen those who had no power before, now influencing the news agenda. What does this say for the future of journalism?
This youtube video shows the power and potential power of citizen journalism in the media.

Who is a journalist? Are we all journalists? If so are we all credible? What does the future hold for journalism?
For this, I have no answer!

DigitalJournal. (2008, December 24). Exploring the Power of Citizen Journalism: [Video file]. Video posted to (2008). The New Roles For Journalists in a Multimedia World. Retrieved from

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